Where’s the best Location? In Real Estate, you will often hear the famous phrase Location, Location, Location!!! In a nutshell, these three words can never be overstated. Although there is great value in buying an existing dental practice, the location HAS to be right for you and your family. We have spoken to several Doctors that purchased the first office they were shown by other brokers, and it turned out to be a 40, 50 or even 70 mile drive (one way) from their home location. Surely you can purchase a working practice, but you need to make sure that the location works for your overall quality of life. It’s very easy to become stressed out by a long daily commute!

What do I need to do first? The very first thing you should do is call us for a FREE evaluation of your overall goals in owning a Dental or Medical Practice. We will discuss such things as location, type of practice, financing, cash investment, business plan, marketing ideas, equipment vendors, and a wide verity of other topics. Our first ‘face to face’ meeting should last about two hours in order for us to gain a clear picture of your needs and goals. Listening closely to each other will help start the process correctly to ensure that we don’t waste valuable TIME. You may end up with more questions than answers after this first meeting, however this is a GOOD THING, as it means our second meeting will go faster and will get us closer to starting the actual site selection process.

Please contact Frank Espinosa and his team of experts by filling out the below information and Frank will contact you to set-up a confidential appointment to discuss the process and get you on your way to buying your practice.

    Legal Business Name

    Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Office Phone

    Cell Phone (required)

    Street Address:

    Street Address Line 2:

    City: State: Zip:

    By when do you want your business to be sold? (in months):

    Dental (required):
    OrthodontistEndodonticPediatricPeriodonticsProsthodonticsOral SurgeryGeneral Family DentistNone of the above

    Medical (required):
    PodiatristDermatologistGeneral PracticePediatricianOptometrist/OphthalmologistGastrologistAudiologistNone of the above