Is this really difficult? The real answer is “No”. However, if you don’t engage the RIGHT TEAM from the start (and follow the timelines, directions and suggestions given by the experienced professionals that have done this for years), then it COULD BE an interesting process. Some of our competitor brokers have made this process sound like a root canal or heart surgery without anesthesia. The reality is, if you follow OUR TEAM’S recommendations and proven time lines, this process only takes FOUR to SIX months. We have a complete team of Architects, General Contractors and Interior Designers that will HELP you lay out your practice exactly the way you envision it. Additionally, we work with several of the major DENTAL and MEDICAL equipment vendors that will participate in the design stage to ensure you have the correct equipment designed into the floor plan to provide the highest quality of care for your patients.

Others say, “DON’T do it.” Why? I have heard many of our now HAPPY, former clients say that other brokers and Doctors said, “DON’T BUILD, BUY.” Upon further inquiry, it turned out that these other brokers didn’t want to bother with the Design/Build phase, as this meant LESS money for them and a LONGER wait to collect their commissions. Our philosophy is that it’s not about “me” or “us”. It’s about YOU, your FAMILY, your FUTURE, and your DREAMS. We want to see a happy doctor enjoying his/her surroundings. If you LOVE where you work, then you’re going to be a better medical practitioner. Additionally, other doctors that did build but DID NOT hire the right team (who probably waited two years to open after paying rent for much of that time without any income), will tell you NOT to build. Again, we can’t stress enough the fact that hiring the RIGHT TEAM to get this process done correctly is the MOST important part of this process.

Please contact Frank Espinosa and his team of experts by filling out the below information and Frank will contact you to set-up a confidential appointment to discuss the process and get you on your way to buying your practice.

    Legal Business Name

    Full Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Office Phone

    Cell Phone (required)

    Street Address:

    Street Address Line 2:

    City: State: Zip:

    By when do you want your business to be sold? (in months):

    Dental (required):
    OrthodontistEndodonticPediatricPeriodonticsProsthodonticsOral SurgeryGeneral Family DentistNone of the above

    Medical (required):
    PodiatristDermatologistGeneral PracticePediatricianOptometrist/OphthalmologistGastrologistAudiologistNone of the above